The Tomaker Card Game
The basic idea of the Tomaker Card Game is to learn the multiplication table from one to ten. The deck contains one hundred individual cards, which are divided into ten different tribes. Each tribe represents one multiplication table and has ten tribe members. Each member represents one of the numbers in the multiplication table. The target is to learn all the numbers on the cards and the results of the multiplications.

How To Play
Start the game with shuffling the cards. Turn all cards face down and stack them up on your right side. Pick up two cards and set them down on the table side by side still holding their face down. Multiply the numbers on the cards, for example 5 x 3 makes 15. Turn the card and check if your result was correct. Set the card back on table face down and multiply the numbers on the other card. Check this result on the other side too. Leave both cards on the table face down and go on next day.

The Next Day
Multiply the numbers again on the two cards on the next day and check the result on the other side. After this put these two cards on a new stack on your left side face down regardless if you calculated right or wrong. Pick up two new cards from the stack on your right and multiply the numbers on the cards. If you know the correct answer right away, place the card directly on the stack on your left and pick up a new card. Leave on the table not more than two cards you didn't know the correct answer. At the end of the game only one card may be left on the table.

The Next Round
After having gone through all the cards in the stack on your right you may start over the game. Remember to shuffle the cards before new game! Try now stacking the cards in fewer days than earlier rounds. If you think you can all the multiplications on the cards you may ask your friend or parents to test your knowledge.

Instructions to Play

1. Start with shuffling the cards and stack them on your right face down.

2. Pick up two cards and put the on the table face down.

3. Multiply the numbers on the cards and check the result on the other side.

4. Put the card back on the table face down.

5. Multiply the numbers on the other card too and again, check the result.

6. Put this card back on the table too and leave it face down.

7. Repeat the calculations on the next day. Put the cards on a new stack on your left regardless of your answer was right or wrong.

8. Pick up two new cards from the right stack. If you already know the answer you may put the card on the left right away.

9. Again, multiply the numbers on the cards and check the result.

10. Put the card back face down.

11. Now, multiply the other card too and check the result.

12. Put this card back too still holding it face down.

13. Put the cards on the stack on your left and repeat from phase 2 until you've gone through all the cards on the right.

14. Finally all the cards are in the stack on your left. How many days did it take to go through all these cards?

15. After having gone through all the cards move the stack from your left to your right.

16. Shuffle the cards and start over the game. Try now play the game faster than the last round.

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